
Redundancy (余剰分)

When there is one end-item at each site you can portray simple (or k of n) redundancy for the end-item and its LRUs. n, entered as the item QPA, is the number of appearances of the LRU in the end-item. k, entered as QRA, is the minimum number of the LRU that must operate for the end item to operate.

If the QPA is 4, for example, then QRA may be 3, 2, or 1 in the order of greater redundancy. If QRA equals 4, there is no redundancy, and QRA may not equal 0. QRA is equal to QPA by default. If a value of QRA is entered that exceeds the QPA or the number of end-items at a site exceeds 1, then QRA is ignored.

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