Do I plan to be at the S1000D User Forum 2022 in the US in the early part of next year?
If you haven't seen, they announced the S1000D User Forum. I think it was only a couple of days ago that the email blast went out. Do I plan to be there? The honest answer is I don't think so. There's a couple of reasons for that. One is there is going to be an S-Series conference in Vienna next year as well which I think will be more interesting for most of the projects that I support. Secondly, I will be in the States in early 2022 anyways presenting at a conference. I've been asked to do some presentations at another industry conference around integrated product support and that will be happening in the early part of 2022. I don't plan to go to the States and then come home and go back to the States again. This is all COVID dependent of course. I'll bring you more news on that event when I'm allowed to talk about it. We have agreed that I will promote it on this channel, so as soon as I'm given the official green light, I will tell you. Lastly, I do not believe at this stage that there have been significant developments in S1000D that are worth going to a user forum for. Now if you've never been to an S1000D User Forum, it's worthwhile going, so I would suggest that you subscribe because I believe that they've got a discount on tickets if you book early. I guess they're trying to make sure that there's enough interest and they can cover the cost of the event because these events are quite expensive to put on. If you've never been to an S1000D user forum I would suggest you go. They are good fun, and you get to meet some really interesting people. Not only that, but there are some good beers as well. However, I don`t drink anymore because I’ve not touched a beer for I don't know how long. Unless something changes, I do not plan to be at the S1000D user forum in the States. I do plan to be at the IPS User Forum or the S-Series User Forum in Vienna later next year and hopefully I’ll get to see some of you there.
So those are the questions that I’ve had. Again, I am not an official spokesperson for the ASD, AIA, or ATA community. I'm more than happy if you have questions to go and ask the people that I know who the formal spokespeople are. If you want any information on anything that I’ve mentioned during this video, let me know. If you're coming to TDW live, we've got a really good agenda planned. We're talking a lot about the S-Series and how it is going to be implemented in many organizations. We will also talk about the vision for adopting the S-Series. I look forward to seeing you there. Until next time from the beautiful river Aaron here in west Sussex, see you soon.